Thursday, January 8, 2015

And she's off...

Bianca into sewing in a big way after a course at the craft collective yesterday.   Swimming bags x 3 today (and one yesterday) and 3 little ones. My Gran would be so chuffed that Bianca is using her machine. 

Disney t-shirts

Guess where we are off to - yep, with the cousins again.. And even grandma keen on one!

Hanging around book marks

We made these for Grandads Birthday.

Sharpie fireworks shoes...

Before and after the nail polish remover.  The colour lasted in these remarkably well.

Sharpie and painted snap bags

That was a busy day with the cousins!

Sharpie fireworks shoes...

Before and after the nail polish remover.  The colour lasted in these remarkably well.

Fimo pens for Xmas presents...

Kids had a blast making these... They all look so different and so cool.  We got better and better, the trick was keeping the fimo layer nice and thin.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

More towels

Now that I know they work, I've started making them for the cousins.... This is the first batch - heading to Hamilton.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Long dress for Bianca

She won't let me take it up - even though it drags along the ground.